There I Find Delight

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Feel the joy of grattitude!

Well, it's been forever since I posted on this blog and there are many reasons for that, but none of them really matter. Even today, I do not have a particular Bible study to share with you. I have been continuing my own studies, but I'm sorry to say, not with the written/academic approach I was using to post on this blog previously. I do intend to resume this form of study and to naturally resume such posts as before. However, I am realistic enough to realize that this is not likely to happen before the first of 2006. The reason, for those of you who do not know, is that I am pregnant and due to give birth in November. It is possible that I may post once or twice before than (particularly in October when I will no longer be working, but still pregnant). However, I make no promises. I apologize for this, but I'm trying to be honest. In the meantime, I hope that you will re-read, as I do, my many previous posts. I continue to find encouragement and admonishment in God's Word and the stirring questions He provoked within me. I hope you will as well.

What I do have to say today is simple. For the last few days I have been struck by an overwhelming grattitude for God's blessings. It has made such a difference in my daily living. Little things that would normally cause me dismay seem to just slide off my back - they disappear from view in the big picture of everything He has done for me. I am overflowing with the joy that comes from grattitude. So, today I am writing simply to encourage you to look around you and take stock of the good things in your life. Take the time to truly appreciate them and to thank God for them- none of them are deserved.

I am sure that I used to know an appropriate verse or two for this thought, but my memory went out the window the day I got pregnant, so if anyone would like to suggest one, I'd be most grateful! In the meantime, I leave you with the words for a worship song which are floating through my mind:

Give thanks with a grateful heart!
Give thanks to the Holy One!
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son!
And now let the weak say I am strong,
Let the poor say I am rich,
Because of what the Lord has done, for us!
Give thanks!


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